Tuesday, 27 March 2012

8 Apr 2012 (Sun) - Summary of Free Activities for Family (^_^)

(1) Crossroads 2012: Contemporary Performances of Traditional Arts

Date     : 8 Apr 2012 (Sun), 4pm – 6pm
Venue   :  Shaw Foundation Symphony Stage

The word "crossroads" to most would be understood as "intersection of two or more roads" or even "a point in time where crucial decisions must be made".

"Crossroads: Contemporary Performances of Traditional Arts" is not about making a crucial decision between the two. It is about how two facets of the Arts, the Contemporary (the present) and the Traditional (the past) meet. It is about how performers interpret their traditional arts in today's context. It can also be about experimentation between Traditional Arts forms and Modernity. It could also be an experimentation between various Traditional Art forms of different cultural background to produce something commonly labelled 'Fusion'.

The concert serves as an edutainment platform where the younger generation can gain better understanding of other cultures and be encouraged to pay attention to the traditional arts of their own culture. At the same time, the concert will allow young performers to gain various kinds of experiences when performing overseas.

(2) German Handbell Choir at Jacob Ballas

Date     : 8 Apr 2012 (Sun), 1030am – 12pm
Venue   :  Shaw Foundation Symphony Stage

* Note: Location info not clear. Could be at Jacob Ballas or Botanic Garden. Do call (SBG Helpline number: 1800 4717300) before proceeding to event.

The "Shining Bells" belong to the German Handbellchoir "Handglockenchor Hüttenberg", located in Hessen, near Frankfurt. The 13 ringers are 15 to 27 years old and the younger ringers have an experience of 5 years now. The group originates from a workshop at the secondary school: "Gesamtschule Schwingbach".

The group varied over time and now the ringers are looking forward to their first concert tour abroad in this constellation from March 29 to April 14. Last year they recorded their own CD that was launched in October. This CD and also those of former handbell groups will be sold during their concert tour.

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